Monday 24 June 2013

Toddler Survival Tips

When you have a toddler, normal rules do not apply.  You find yourself dealing with situations you haven't been prepared for, and some you didn't think you'd ever see.  You deal with tantrums which have come about for the most tenuous of reasons, but it's usually because they are either tired, hungry, frustrated, or a combination of the previous three reasons.  The fact that you too are tired, hungry or frustrated does not ease the situation.  In fact, it usually exasperates it further.

Of course, it doesn't ease as they get older.  If you have more than one child, they bicker.  They fight, they moan and they GET UP TO MISCHIEF.  If you have three, as I do, you have any two constantly bickering.  If you have more than three, well THEN I'm told you bring about Armageddon. Honest ;o)

Dinner is in the oven; baked sweet and sour chicken with rice.  Once it's in, there's not a lot to do, so for once I thought I would sit down for five minutes and enjoy the peace and quiet in the conservatory.  And there was my mistake - peace and quiet.  When children are quiet, you better know now that they are up to no good.  My eldest was caught once, when she was being exceedingly quiet, smothering herself head to toe in Sudocrem.  And you know that stuff is impossibly hard to get off. 

Anyway, there I am in the conservatory enjoying the calm.  It isn't long before I discover that my youngest has emptied the entire contents of his sister's bean bag all over the floor.  And you know how frustratingly hard those little balls can be to collect back up. I managed it, but it took me AGES!

So, here's my thought. There's currently no Tips for Surviving toddlerdom anywhere. I think we should change that. Babies are easy. Pfft you feed it, change it, burp it, rock it, restart the cycle and begin again.  Toddlers, now THAT'S where it gets tricky.

So send your toddler-related stories, anecdotes and above all, tips for surviving this stage, and I'll add them to this all-new, lovely blog.

Or email me -

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